Nigerian navy recruitment information

  As at today 7th of March 2021 nigeriNi navywant to share some important information about the Nigerian navy recruitment,and I know if you read well you would definitely learn and if you have a question or a suggestion ensure you ask in the comments section.

The Nigerian navy recruits Nigerians yearly,and the i takes steps.

It all begins with the announcement ahead of the opening of the site for aspirants to register. The recruitment registration is free,you only need to pay the cafe man or woman for his service and the printing out of forms.

You all need to know if you are qualified for the recruitment process before applying.


 Please take your time to read this so as for you to know what to do and what not to do while preparing for the nigerian navy recruitment.

There are more to do than just exercising and having your credentials and reading,you still need Alot of knowledge about the Nigerian navy recruitment so you won't be part of those who would say it is all connection,that navy cheated them,and stuffs like that,no knowing they are the ones that made mistake


Weeks or a week before the form is out,it is announced so aspirants can get prepared to register. Most aspirants regiser at the cafe while some do it on their own with their phone, whichever way you do please make sure you make no mistake.

All applicant should be between 18 – 22 or 18 and 26 Years for those with ND, NCE, Nurses and Motor Transport Department (MTD) respectively

This position is open for applicant who are either O Level or OND holders.

Your first school leaving certificate is required.

You must be physically and mentally sound.

You should be a Nigerian citizen

For all Male applicants you must not be shorter than 1.68 meters while the female applicants must not stand at a height below 1.65 meters.

You should be single.

If you have gone for an orthopedic surgery please don’t apply.

If you have been convicted in a court of law please don’t apply.

Ladies who are pregnant please don’t apply.

All certificates presented must be in their original form.

You must ensure that your names on all your credentials are the same,and also your date of birth,you are required to fill in your national identity number for verification of your citizenship,age,name,so make sure your NIN is available and correct. If any of your credentials have a misspelt name or difference in date of birth,ensure you go to court for an affidavit,or else you stand to be disqualified.

Make sure you also fill in your o level result correctly.

Note: applying more than once is not advisable as it could lead to disqualification.

After filling the form you will have to wait weeks or months for the time of exam 


The exam is usually written by Alot of people, almost every one that fills the form writes the form,only those who make mistake during the application don't get to write he exam.

The exam is usually simple but hardship passed on the exam dates makes candidates not to be relaxed,and so making them not able to concentrate on the exam 

The exam is usually Mathematics, English and current affairs, 40 questions on mathematics,40 questions on English language and 20 questions on current affairs.

Make sure you read widely as only past questions might not help and also the fact that most past questions online are made up,they are not real.

During the exam expect to sit hours under the sun,and expect lot more hardship.

Make sure you go with a thick pencil and a good eraser,and even extra,some people use light pencil which the computer that marks the answer won't recognize,defi defini failing the aspirant.

Weeks of months after the exam is a shortlist for this who are qualified for the screening process in lagos.


The screening process takes about two weeks for each batch.

During screening candidates also face hardship,but if the morah of the candidate is high things becomes easy.

Credientials are checked

The names on all credentials are checked and if there is a different name on different credentials,then the candidate is disqualified.

Credentials checked are:

Birth certificate

First school leaving certificate

Primary school testimonial

O level result

Secondary school testimonial

Secondary school certificate or statement of result

National identity number

State of origin certificate

Signed forms


If a candidate scale through the credentials checking process he or she moves on for medical screening,while those who doesn't are disqualified,

Note: any candidate found with a false credential,or a forged signing would be handed over to the police.

The medical screening which is the second to the last screening process 


The medical screening process,is the stage where the health of the candidates are checked,any candidate that scale through moves to the endurance test which is running while those who fail are disqualified.

Some of the health issues checked are:

Height and weight

Blood pressure


Sugar level


Surgrical mark

Body deformity

Hiv test


Some other blood test 

Heart check up

Skeleton check up


After candidates are through with this the results are put together,and those who are not medically fit are disqualified while those who are fit moves to the next level


Another exam is written during screening and is usually simple,just like the first exam but different questions


Here candidates are required to run some kilometers to prove they can endure the training,this is the last of the screening process.

Thanks for reading. please do not pay anyone to help you with the recruitment as the recruitment prospro is based on merit,all you need to do is get yourself 100% qualified.

Comment any suggestion or question.


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